Cornerstone: Using Stones in Magic – Turquoise

In Nature, Practical Magick by Liz Hu-ittLeave a Comment


Deities: The Great Spirit of the Universe (Native American), Hathor (Egyptian), Buddha
Energy: Receptive
Element: Earth
Chakra: Throat
Magical Properties: Protection, courage, money, love, friendship, healing and luck

Turquoise is an opaque blue-green stone used for protection, among other things. When worn, it guards against poison, disease, and all dangers big and small. Wear turquoise for courage and to avoid accidents. Carry to attract good fortune, promote marital harmony, and protect against negative magic.

Turquoise is a healing stone. It is thought to add healing properties to water. It absorbs illness, boosts the immune system, and reduces fever and headaches. Wear it to prevent migraines.

Turquoise is sacred to many Native American Indian tribes. It is highly valued for its beauty and strong magical properties. Pueblos placed turquoise under the floor of the home as an offering to the deities and to protect against evil spirits. The Navajo used turquoise in rain magic to quench lands caught in drought. Also known as the horseman’s talisman, riders wear turquoise and attach it to their horse’s bridle, saddle, or mane to prevent falls and protect their horse.

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