We are pleased to announce that the Church of the Earth Lending Library is now open for members to check out books. Search our shelves at
, then use the following form to request a book.

Here is how it works:
- You must be a member of the Church. apply now
- Two items can be checked out per member at a time.
- The item is checked out to you for up to one (1) month, to be brought back by the closest scheduled event to the due date.
- Renewals are available if no one is waiting for that item.
- If an item is damaged or lost, you are expected to replace the item or pay the cost to replace it.
- If you would like to donate items, please contact the Lending Librarian, Dodde, by email at library@churchoftheearthnc.org.
How to use the Church of the Earth Lending Library:
- Submit a Church Membership Application… apply now
- Search the Church’s
list, or add “COTE NC” as a friend if you are a
- If you are a member on
- Click the “Friends” button in the top right corner, next to your picture icon.
- Below “Find Friends From”, there is a “search members” button. Search for “COTE NC” or “COTENC” and hit the “search members” button. “COTE NC Church of the Earth” should appear in the search.
- From here you can click “add as a friend” if you are a Goodreads member.
- Once “COTE NC Church of the Earth” is your friend on Goodreads, you can view COTE NC’s books from your friend list. The friend list is the “Friends” button in the top right corner next to your picture icon.
- If you are a member on
- If you are not a member on Goodreads or would not like to be friends with “COTE NC Church of the Earth” on Goodreads, you can view COTE NC’s books via the search or by clicking
- Once you have found COTE NC’s Goodreads profile, you can search for books several ways.
- Shelved Books: Directly below COTE NC’s user profile picture, click on the button “COTE NC’s Shelved Shelf”. Once you click here, you will see most of the books that COTE NC has listed. There is a separate list for the “Reference Only” books. On the shelved list you can sort by title, author, rating, etc. You can also use the search button in the top center of the page to search for a particular book. If a book that is able to be checked out is currently on loan, it may not appear on this list. Follow the directions for “b. Bookshelves” below, and click on the list for “on-loan” to see these items.
- Bookshelves: Below the “COTE NC’s Shelved Shelf” are “COTE NC’s Bookshelves”. Each book has been tagged with a variety of keywords. If you are interested in a particular subject, you can click on the keyword in order to look at all of the books we have on that topic.
- Reference Only: Some of our books are in poor condition. These books may be viewed by members but only at the gardens. To view this list, please follow the directions for “b. Bookshelves” (above) and click “reference-only”.
- If you find a book you are interested in borrowing, use the form on the first tab of this page to request it, or you may email library@churchoftheearthnc.org
- to tell our friendly Lending Librarians which book(s) you would like to check out.
- Please include the title and author of the book you are interested in.
- Tell us which COTE event you will be attending in the near future so that one of our clever Librarians can get the book to you.
- Please also include the event that you will be returning the item.
- In the event that you need a renewal beyond the month, please email our lovely Librarians again, and submit a request for a renewal. If someone is not waiting for the book, the trusty Librarians will email you with an extension.