Frigg’s Forest: The Beach

In Nature, Practical Magick, Ritual by HeatherLeave a Comment

As the All-MothePhoto courtesy of Elizabeth Cappsr, Frigg is the Norse Goddess of Mothers and protector of children. Frigg’s Forest is an on-going series of tips and activities to involve your children in your practice.

The beach is one of the few places in the world where all four elements can be felt: the fiery sun, the earthen sand, the ocean waves, and the sea breeze.
Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Capps
Beach season is quickly coming upon us, and as we pack to head to the shore, we can also prepare for Magicks. The beach is also a great way to show the little ones that Magick is everywhere and we can pack it and bring it with us. It’s transient. It is wherever we are.

Once on the beach, settle into your spot, and cast a circle around your space. This doesn’t have to be anything very showy or ceremonial. As you place weights around your blanket, for example, say a quiet blessing to call in each of the elements.

Additionally, as you walk towards the ocean, you can call the water to you in a way that keeps you feeling comfortable and confident in the tide. This in no way replaces water safety, just as car Magick does not replace a seat belt and safe driving, but having the right energies helps.

If you see a stick, you can write sigils in the sand and allow the waves to clear the beach again, taking the Magicks with them.

Finally, if you collect shells, you can create a totem to hold onto the beach’s energies upon returning to your home.

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